DOCX Franklin Goes To The Hospital by Sharon Jennings information full version free page torrent

DOCX Franklin Goes To The Hospital by Sharon Jennings information full version free page torrent

DOCX Franklin Goes To The Hospital by Sharon Jennings information full version free page torrent

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Book description
Type: fictionGenre: picture Awards:noneSummary: This book is one boo of the Franklin set in which Franklin the tortoise gets hurt while playing soccer. He is mother ens up taking him to the hospital and Franklin is very scared at first. Everyone is telling him how brave he is, even though he doesnt feel very rave which leads to him not wanting an x-ray because hes afraid that it will show he is not really being brave. Franklin ends up needing a small operation because he broke his shell. 1 Critique: I do not like how it just looks like Franklin is bruised and his mom takes him to the hospital, I feel like the picture in this case should match the severity of the injury, and it doesnt. Students get bumps and bruises all the time and I feel as though if you start reading stories here he looks so uninjured, the students will assume every time they get a bruise they will need to go to the hospital and have surgery. Question: Have you ever gotten hurt and had to go to the doctor? What did you do? Does anyone have any experiences going to the hospital?Craft element: I would use this to teach my students the connection between words and picture, or sometimes lack there of. In this book if you just look at the pictures then you think Franklin is barely injured and you might be confused as to why he goes back to the doctor. Yet, if you read the words you know the Franklin in quite injured and thats why he has to go to the hospital for surgery.
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