DOCX Forgotten Kingdom by Peter Goullart doc free full selling book

DOCX Forgotten Kingdom by Peter Goullart doc free full selling book

DOCX Forgotten Kingdom by Peter Goullart doc free full selling book

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Book description
What an excellent little expat memoir about Lijiang in the 1930s to 40s. Its a shame this book isnt widely available and only locally published in China (warning there are some typos), but the authors take on this lesser-known part of China is incredible in its unique knowledge.Lijiang is one of the most diverse parts of China with lots of different minority groups who lead lifestyles that can be different from the more commonly explored Han majority. Goullart mostly talks about the Naxi -- spelled Nahki in the book -- and Tibetans but also touches upon many varied mountainous peoples such as the Miao and many others. There is much to learn about the culture and religion and history of this region. Sometimes his point of view is very frank compared to modern standards, with his opinions that can generalize entire races and nationalities. Yet one never senses it is with a mean spirit, and indeed he is always appreciative of his chance to learn more and expand his experiences with other people.Interestingly, because it is a book published within the PRC, the book ends on a sad note of communist uprisings in 1949 that turned out to be very horrifying for the locals. It is a shame that so many different cultural aspects have been lost to history, but at least this wonderful memoir exists to preserve some of the memory...
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