DOCX Forgotten Anzacs: The Campaign in Greece, 1941 by Peter Ewer (Goodreads Author) fb2 online reading

DOCX Forgotten Anzacs: The Campaign in Greece, 1941 by Peter Ewer (Goodreads Author) fb2 online reading

DOCX Forgotten Anzacs: The Campaign in Greece, 1941 by Peter Ewer (Goodreads Author) fb2 online reading

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Book description

Book description
Detailing lesser-known facts surrounding the legend of the Anzacs, this study offers the largely obscure story of their campaign during World War II. Comprehensive and gripping, this examination follows the group on their long retreat through Greece while depicting uncanny similarities to the original Gallipoli operation a generation earlier. Based on rarely accessed archives and more than 30 interviews with Australian, Greek, and New Zealand veterans, this superb narrative gives overdue recognition to the brave, forgotten Anzacs of 1941.
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