DOCX Finding Mercy by Karen Harper (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks

DOCX Finding Mercy by Karen Harper (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks

DOCX Finding Mercy by Karen Harper (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks

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Book description
Quiet, cautious Ella Lantz has spent her entire life in the close-knit Amish community of the Home Valley. Tending her lavender fields, she finds calm and serenity in purple blooms, heavenly scents and a simple life. But the sudden arrival of a strange visitor to her parents home heralds a host of new complications.Alex Caldwell is unlike any man Ella has ever met—clearly, hes no Pennsylvania cousin, whatever the elders may say. In fact, Alex is a Wall Street whistle-blower under witness protection…and hes brought a world of trouble to the Lantz doorstep.As Ella comes to trust—even love—a man so utterly worldly, she realizes her life has already changed forever. When it becomes violently clear that even the Home Valley is no refuge, Ella and Alex are driven into the wider world to hide. And with such a high price placed on their silence, they may not survive to share their love….
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