DOCX Falcon Quinn and the Black Mirror by Jennifer Finney Boylan (Goodreads Author) without registering shop pdf torrent read

DOCX Falcon Quinn and the Black Mirror by Jennifer Finney Boylan (Goodreads Author) without registering shop pdf torrent read

DOCX Falcon Quinn and the Black Mirror by Jennifer Finney Boylan (Goodreads Author) without registering shop pdf torrent read

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Book description
Thirteen-year-old Falcon Quinn and his neighbors, Max and Megan, board bus number 13 for school on an ordinary day in Cold River, Maine. Only the bus doesnt take its ordinary route, and Falcon and his friends soon find themselves in an extraordinary place—on Shadow Island, at the Academy for Monsters. With a student body stranger than the cast of any monster movie Falcon has ever seen, the academy is home to creatures and oddities of all kinds. In the academys atmosphere, Falcons friends begin to unleash and enjoy their monster natures, from flying with Pearl, La Chupakabra, to decaying with the Zombie Snap. Falcon has always felt different, with his one bright blue eye and one shadow-black eye, but is he really a monster? Will he discover the other thing that makes him different when he finds himself in the Black Mirror? And when he learns that the schools mission is to teach students to hide their aberrant natures, Falcon and his friends need to find a way to fight back for their monster selves. Bestselling author Jennifer Finney Boylan introduces Falcon, Max, Megan, and their band of monster friends in this first installment of a hair-raising and sidesplitting adventure of monstrous proportions.
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