DOCX Emmas Choice by June Bryan Belfie (Goodreads Author) find audio pc bookstore book

DOCX Emmas Choice by June Bryan Belfie (Goodreads Author) find audio pc bookstore book

DOCX Emmas Choice by June Bryan Belfie (Goodreads Author) find audio pc bookstore book

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Book description
Emma, the eldest Zook sister, finds her emotions tossed between two available suitors. John Troyer is a handsome single Amish man looking for a wife. He is the same age as Emma and sought after by the other available girls.Gabe Kuhns, is an attractive widower concerned for his two young children and their need for a mother. Emma is not only their teacher in the one-room schoolhouse, but finds herself involved in their personal lives as well. Is there more drawing her to the family than just her concern for the children? Who will win Emma’s heart?
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