DOCX Dollhouse by Anya Allyn (Goodreads Author) txt download free

DOCX Dollhouse by Anya Allyn (Goodreads Author) txt download free

DOCX Dollhouse by Anya Allyn (Goodreads Author) txt download free

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Book description
A spine-tingling Gothic ThrillerAn abandoned mansion, deep in the woods. A dollhouse, filled with life-sized toys. A doorway into other realms. And girls who keep disappearing...When Cassie’s best friend, Aisha, vanishes during a school hike, Cassie sets off with Aishas boyfriend and their friend Lacey, determined to find her. Instead, the three teens fall into a carefully-laid trap—deep into the surreal nightmare and dark secrets of the Dollhouse.Now, Cassie must uncover the mysteries of the Dollhouse and her own connection to it-- before its too late.With the horror and otherworldliness of Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children and the gothic romance of A Great and Terrible Beauty, Dollhouse is a tantalizing start to The Dark Carousel series.
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