DOCX Designer Style Handbags: Techniques and Projects for Unique, Fun, and Elegant Designs from Classic to Retro by Sherri Haab offline get purchase mobile online

DOCX Designer Style Handbags: Techniques and Projects for Unique, Fun, and Elegant Designs from Classic to Retro by Sherri Haab offline get purchase mobile online

DOCX Designer Style Handbags: Techniques and Projects for Unique, Fun, and Elegant Designs from Classic to Retro by Sherri Haab

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Book description
Every woman needs handbags...but who wants to be seen carrying the same old same old? To the rescue: Designer Style Handbags! Want a funky felted purse? A glam evening bag? A laced—up leather hobo? A Pop Art tote? Here they are! Top—selling author Sherri Haab is spilling the secrets of designer style, using step—by—step instructions and clear illustrations to reveal how to make 20 great bags that look like they cost a bundle at a too—too chic boutique. Ten projects call for simple sewing skills (all clearly explained); ten no—sew projects use easy crafting techniques to embellish purse blanks, cigar boxes, tins, even hardcover books (use something from one of those other publishers). Weave ribbons, crochet, transfer photos, weave fibers, mold polymer clay—Sherri Haab makes it look easy because it is easy. Solid techniques plus witty ideas mean bags to brag about!
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