DOCX Deadly Descent by Kaylea Cross (Goodreads Author) reading look spanish via book

DOCX Deadly Descent by Kaylea Cross (Goodreads Author) reading look spanish via book

DOCX Deadly Descent by Kaylea Cross (Goodreads Author) reading look spanish via book

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Book description
Devon Crawford is an officer; Air Force Pararescueman Cam Munro is enlisted. Dev flies medical evacuations; Cam jumps into danger zones to save lives. Dev wants to return home from Afghanistan with her heart untouched; Cam will do anything to win the woman he loves.Reaching for happiness in a war zone is the last thing Captain Devon Crawford plans, but she cant ignore the feelings shes hidden for so long. Cams sexy charm and wicked kisses weaken her resistance, but shes too afraid of losing him to give in.When Devs helicopter and crew are shot down and set up as bait by a notorious warlord, Cam risks all to save the team. What he doesnt know is that the trap is set for him....83,000 words
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