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Book description
Twenty five year old Hailey Crossan takes a trip to Ireland during her sabbatical from the Los Angeles record business. While on the trip, she is unexpectedly offered a job in the Irish music business that is too good to turn down, so she decides to stay. Although Hailey works in Galway City, she lives in the rural area of Connemara, an area steeped in history and famous for its Irish traditional music. When Hailey meets famous Irish traditional musician, Liam Hennessey, a confusing relationship begins, which Hailey thinks may be the result of their differing cultures,for Liam is married to the music, and so unbalanced at the prospect of love, that he wont come closer nor completely go away. And so begins the push and pull of an attraction that Hailey struggles to decipher. Thankfully, a handful of local friends come to her aid, and Hailey comes to love a land and its people-- both with more charm than she ever imagined.
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