DOCX Cybrarian Extraordinaire: Compelling Information Literacy Instruction by Felicia A. Smith acquire eng value book ios

DOCX Cybrarian Extraordinaire: Compelling Information Literacy Instruction by Felicia A. Smith acquire eng value book ios

DOCX Cybrarian Extraordinaire: Compelling Information Literacy Instruction by Felicia A. Smith acquire eng value book ios

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Book description
The effectiveness of active-learning approaches to instruction is well documented. What is needed now are proven, practical applications. Written for every librarian or teacher looking for such new and creative teaching techniques, Cybrarian Extraordinaire: Compelling Information Literacy Instruction fills the gap. Based on the authors own experiences, the book shares specific active-learning exercises created to make library instruction more engaging for a wide variety of audiences.Specifically, author Felicia A. Smith illustrates the process of creating edu-tainment activities designed to serve serious instructional goals in a manner that is both fun and effective. Her book provides detailed examples of innovative ways to engage students in mandatory library classes. Among other ideas, it explores the use of e-readers as learning tools and describes the planning and possibilities involved in creating classes in online worlds, such as Second Life. Of course, it also explains the evolution of Smiths Pirate Librarian, offering exercises that reinforced the library material as buried treasure theme.
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