DOCX Crystal City Lights by Holly Moulder (Goodreads Author) iphone prewiew how to download macbook

DOCX Crystal City Lights by Holly Moulder (Goodreads Author) iphone prewiew how to download macbook

DOCX Crystal City Lights by Holly Moulder (Goodreads Author) iphone prewiew how to download macbook

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Book description
Dottie Zorn is twelve years old in 1943, living in Audubon NJ, when her German-born father is accused of plotting to aid the Nazis. The only evidence against him? A single handbill, displaying pictures of Adolf Hitler, found by the FBI in Dottie s closet. The Zorn family must move from their comfortable home to a tiny cottage in the Internment Camp for Enemy Aliens in Crystal City, Texas. Surrounded by ten-foot, barbed wire fences and armed guards, Dottie uncovers a terrible secret about her best friends father, a secret that could cost her younger brother his life.
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