DOCX Conservative Investors Sleep Well by Philip A. Fisher buy amazon bookstore download epub

DOCX Conservative Investors Sleep Well by Philip A. Fisher buy amazon bookstore download epub

DOCX Conservative Investors Sleep Well by Philip A. Fisher buy amazon bookstore download epub

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Book description
Philip Arthur Fisher was an American stock investor best known as the author of Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits, a guide to investing that has remained in print ever since it was first published in 1958.His career began in 1928 when he dropped out of the newly created Stanford Graduate School of Business (later he would return to be one of only three people ever to teach the investment course) to work as a securities analyst with the Anglo-London Bank in San Francisco.Fishers famous Fifteen Points to Look for in a Common Stock from Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits are a qualitative guide to finding well managed companies with growth prospects.
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