DOCX Caught (Book One of the Oneiros Log) by M.L.S. Weech (Goodreads Author) online link flibusta without signing txt

DOCX Caught (Book One of the Oneiros Log) by M.L.S. Weech (Goodreads Author) online link flibusta without signing txt

DOCX Caught (Book One of the Oneiros Log) by M.L.S. Weech (Goodreads Author) online link flibusta without signing txt

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Book description
Nothing is at all what it seems, and for four strangers, theyll have to discover why before theyre driven over the edge of madness. Within them are the keys to free themselves. Theyll need to traverse a landscape of horrors and fettered secrets.Unknown to these prisoners, another four desperately hunt for their own freedom-a freedom denied them by the tormenting existence of a monster. They will have to rely on all of their talents and each other to defeat the beast.Meanwhile, unbeknownst to all of them, the spider huddles at the center of its web, plucking its many gossamer strands as it waits...ready to pounce.
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