DOCX Catching a Wave: Reclaiming Feminism for the 21st Century by Rory Dicker (Goodreads Author) (Editor) online flibusta story tablet free

DOCX Catching a Wave: Reclaiming Feminism for the 21st Century by Rory Dicker (Goodreads Author) (Editor) online flibusta story tablet free

DOCX Catching a Wave: Reclaiming Feminism for the 21st Century by Rory Dicker (Goodreads Author) (Editor) online flibusta story

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Book description
Young women today have benefited from the strides made by grassroots social activists in the 1960s and 1970s, yet they are hesitant to identify themselves as feminists and seem apathetic about carrying the torch of older generations to redress persistent sexism and gender-based barriers. Contesting the notion that we are in a post-feminist age, this collection of essays identifies a third wave of feminism. The contributors argue that the next generation needs to develop a politicized, collective feminism that both builds on the strategies of second wave feminists and is grounded in the material realities and culture of the 21st century.
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