DOCX Cat Hats: Sixteen Paper Hats to Put on Your Unsuspecting Kitty! by Kitty Barnett free cheap book tablet value

DOCX Cat Hats: Sixteen Paper Hats to Put on Your Unsuspecting Kitty! by Kitty Barnett free cheap book tablet value

DOCX Cat Hats: Sixteen Paper Hats to Put on Your Unsuspecting Kitty! by Kitty Barnett free cheap book tablet value

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Book description
A stylish, humorous book full of fun, cutout paper hats for your cat. Cat Hats will revolutionize your and your cat’s playtime as you both get sucked into playing dress-up! This frolicsome book will appeal to anyone with a cute kitten and a sense of humor. Everyone who owns a cat knows how adorable and hilarious they look in a little hat. Cat Hats features sixteen easy-to-construct paper hats in fun designs: dress your kitty up as a queen, frog, devil, sailor, and more! Dull photos of your cat will become a thing of the past as you get creative with these easy-to-assemble hats. Light enough to pop on your cat’s head for an impromptu photo shoot when she’s snoozing, these hats will provide hours of entertainment.
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