DOCX Burmese Design & Architecture by John Falconer without signing reader touch wiki book

DOCX Burmese Design & Architecture by John Falconer without signing reader touch wiki book

DOCX Burmese Design & Architecture by John Falconer without signing reader touch wiki book

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Book description
With over 500 full-color photographs and expert insights provided by leading archaeological authorities, Burmese Design & Architecture is a must-have for serious connoisseurs of architecture, design or Burma itself.It is the first book to showcase the amazing diversity of architecture, design and art found in Burma (Myanmar). Ranging for the monumental pagodas of Pagan (Bagan) to the architectural heritage of Rangoon (Yangon), religious as well as contemporary secular buildings are presented in rich detail. A series of authoritative essays by archaeological experts highlight the major influences sand styles found throughout the country, while chapters on Myanmars rich art and craft traditions provide a wealth of information on Buddha images, lacquererware, painting, ceramics, woodcarving, bronzes, textiles, costumes and much more. Burmese design, heavily influenced by its proximity to China and India, is a many-layered thing, interwoven with spiritual, religious and political messages. Burmese Design & Architecture takes an in-depth look at the entire span of Burmese design, from arts and crafts to both religious and secular architecture.
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