DOCX Breweries of the Gold Country by R. Scott Baxter fb2 kickass find free iBooks

DOCX Breweries of the Gold Country by R. Scott Baxter fb2 kickass find free iBooks

DOCX Breweries of the Gold Country by R. Scott Baxter fb2 kickass find free iBooks

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Book description
Californias Gold Country, known historically as the Mother Lode, is located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. It was here that the famous goldfields of the Gold Rush were located. From 1849 onward, thousands of miners flooded into the area. These men brought with them a powerful thirst, which they sought to slake with their beverage of choice--beer. As quickly as rudimentary towns were established, breweries were erected to supply miners with their desired drink. These breweries produced regionally crafted beers for surrounding populations, and some gained national and international recognition. Many also housed saloons, which became an integral part of these foothill communities. A number of these establishments remained in operation until Prohibition, which ended most local brewing. This volume seeks to document the Gold Country breweries and the brewers who operated them.
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