DOCX Born Modern: The Life and Design of Alvin Lustig by Steve Heller selling eReader how download reading read

DOCX Born Modern: The Life and Design of Alvin Lustig by Steve Heller selling eReader how download reading read

DOCX Born Modern: The Life and Design of Alvin Lustig by Steve Heller selling eReader how download reading read

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Book description
Alvin Lustig was modern before it was cool. But there has never been a monograph devoted to his work—until now. A genius best known for his book covers and interior design, his theories on design education were precursors to the curricula of some of the most renowned design schools today. Lustig lent his imaginative vision and talent to a wide range of legendary projects, from the groundbreaking architecture of 1940s Los Angeles to magazine covers that have become collectors items. Spanning the breadth of Lustigs tragically brief but prolific career, Born Modern is a must-have for any student or practitioner of design, as well as anyone interested in the history of American visual culture.
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