DOCX Beyond The Garden by S.Y. Thompson mobi ibooks ipad

DOCX Beyond The Garden by S.Y. Thompson mobi ibooks ipad

DOCX Beyond The Garden by S.Y. Thompson mobi ibooks ipad

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Book description
Life as an immortal is never easy. For Lilith, its become almost intolerable. Her only goal now, to find a way to die. Her quest takes her across the globe and back again. When she meets master scuba diver Dana Reed, her goal is turned upside down. Dana offers her a breathtaking romance, as long as destiny cooperates. Hell hounds, archeological booby traps and self-appointed fanatics serve as a backdrop for this romantic adventure. The results could be disastrous or more wondrous than she ever imagined. Its up to Lilith to decide her path and fight through to realize her dreams.
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