DOCX Below by Kaitlyn O'Connor (Goodreads Author) full version original acquire book look

DOCX Below by Kaitlyn O'Connor (Goodreads Author) full version original acquire book look

DOCX Below by Kaitlyn O'Connor (Goodreads Author) full version original acquire book look

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Book description
Three quarters of her crew are deep sea miners, geneoids, humans designed with aquatic traits that have created creatures of such beauty that Victoria can-t help but be drawn to them, particularly the merman, Raphael. When he claims her as his companion, he places her in an untenable position, but Victoria quickly discovers that the rules set down by the company that has betrayed them all are of no concern to her when it comes to Raphael, and that she is just as determined to have him as the company is to part them forever. Rating: Contains violence, explicit sex, graphic language, and profanity.
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