DOCX Before He Was Famous by Becky Wicks (Goodreads Author) free full pc phone book

DOCX Before He Was Famous by Becky Wicks (Goodreads Author) free full pc phone book

DOCX Before He Was Famous by Becky Wicks (Goodreads Author) free full pc phone book

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Book description
Ever wonder what really happens behind the scenes of a music competition TV Show? How do the contestants’ friends and family react to their loved one being on the cusp of stardom? Before He was Famous tells the story of Noah Lockton, gorgeous, talented, and in love with his best friend Chloe. Chloe obviously feels the same way, but they can never seem to get on the same page. From Chloe’s perspective, Noah looks like he has a constant stream of temporary girlfriends, and she could never be what he needs. Noah had to deal with Chloe’s loser boyfriend Cooper always in the way. Of course, the reader and everyone who has seen them both together for more than five minutes, knows they belong together. Noah doesn’t try to hide it at all. “You’re worth a thousand of her to me, you know that don’t you...I guess she knows it, even if you don’t…”Here is the twist, now thanks to Noah’s new found fame, Chloe gets the chance to work for Shimmer magazine and follow Noah around on tour for a blog that soon becomes a sensation. They find themselves unattached, finally, but Chloe still can’t bring herself to let Noah love her, even though their attraction to each other is so intense it practically jumps off each page. “I’ve tried to let you go, Chloe, my whole life, and I can’t, can I...I’m sick of pretending I don’t love you…It’s only ever been you.” Chloe frustrated me so much at times. She kept pushing Noah away, even though each time she did it, she was scared he’d never come back. Noah being famous, and having to play the music label’s games, now makes him seem even more unattainable to her. Being close to Noah makes Chloe a kind of celebrity as well, something she was totally unprepared for and can’t really handle, especially when her closeness to Noah starts to make her a target. You hope she realizes what she and Noah have and what they could be, before it’s too late.I devoured this book quickly in about a day. Best friends in love and denying it has been done before, but the author makes it fresh and new and makes you suffer right along with them. This book was a great find, and I can’t wait for more of this series!
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