DOCX Autumn by Ali Smith sale selling read how to itunes

DOCX Autumn by Ali Smith sale selling read how to itunes

DOCX Autumn by Ali Smith sale selling read how to itunes

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Book description
A breathtakingly inventive new novel from the Man Booker-shortlisted and Baileys Prize-winning author of How to be both.Fusing Keatsian mists and mellow fruitfulness with the vitality, the immediacy and the colour-hit of Pop Art (via a bit of very contemporary skulduggery and skull-diggery), Autumn is a witty excavation of the present by the past. The novel is a stripped-branches take on popular culture and a meditation, in a world growing ever more bordered and exclusive, on what richness and worth are, what harvest means.Autumn is the first installment in Ali Smiths novel quartet Seasonal: four standalone books, separate yet interconnected and cyclical (as the seasons are), exploring what time is, how we experience it, and the recurring markers in the shapes our lives take and in our ways with narrative.From the imagination of the peerless Ali Smith comes a shape-shifting series, wide-ranging in timescale and light-footed through histories, and a story about ageing and time and love and stories themselves.
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