DOCX Artsy Toddler Storytimes: A Years Worth of Ready-To-Go Programming by Carol Garnett Hopkins kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

DOCX Artsy Toddler Storytimes: A Years Worth of Ready-To-Go Programming by Carol Garnett Hopkins kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

DOCX Artsy Toddler Storytimes: A Years Worth of Ready-To-Go Programming by Carol Garnett Hopkins kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

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Book description
Here are 52 ready-to-go storytimes with a difference - art activities - for use with toddlers ages 1 to 3 years old. Each plan is based around a theme familiar to children including bears, bugs, springtime, community workers, clothing and hats, flowers and gardens, weather, music, pets, transportation, pirates, and many more. Art activities for toddlers are hard to find but important for developing impulse control, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor dexterity in the hands. The introduction discusses the differences between art activities and craft activities, a toddlers ability in creating art, and using different art mediums, such as food. Each plan includes a list of books, action songs or rhymes along with their words, a flannelboard experience, plus instruction for two to three art activities. These activities include directions as well as any drawings that may be needed to complete the activity. Each one offers an open-ended art experience, with no one way to complete the project at hand. Children are free to explore the process and tools used to make the art. A particular end product that looks the same as everyone else is not needed with the projects here. The book also includes pointers on conducting storytimes with toddlers, information on why children this age should be exposed to art activities, and how to find inexpensive art materials. It also eliminates the need to search for the perfect drawing to use with a themed art activity by including 100+ drawings. In addition to providing fun storytimes, these art activities also promote pre-reading skills such as print motivation, vocabulary, and narrative skills.
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