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Very briefly: a fascinating, no holds barred tale of Jane Fosters life, including her time in SPOILERSthe OSS. She describes her treatment by the US as an accused Russian spy during the Red Scare and beyond, with remarkable un-attachment, no self-recriminations or anguish of betrayal for having incorrectly trusted this person or having mistakenly told that person information. Well, she felt betrayed, for certain, but she didnt waste time expressing betrayal by individuals, as she revealed their weaknesses as human frailties. It was clear that she felt betrayed by the United States (who turned into a demagogue machine, out to get people just like a bully might).Fascinating story. I read Jennant Conants book A Covert Affair for which this book was clearly primary source material.I became intrigued at the idea of the autobiography of an accused Russian spy, the mood & mentality of the post-War US, but also became fascinated on her report to the OSS on her observations of post-Japanese surrender in Asia. This report must have been unpopular with US and their allies, which were colonial powers. The US didnt want to hear her opinions. But the lengths they went to protect it meshed nicely with the red scare and...It made me think about the book Three Swans, where, after the Cultural Revolution in China, you could be accused for fitting in with the regime before as traitorous, even though at the time, it was perfectly in step. You had to fit in then, otherwise youd be accused of being loyal to the regime before that. Etc. etc. etc.The goalposts were always moving. Tough.
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