DOCX Adventures of the Greek Heroes by Anne M. Wiseman online library ebook bookstore tablet

DOCX Adventures of the Greek Heroes by Anne M. Wiseman online library ebook bookstore tablet

DOCX Adventures of the Greek Heroes by Anne M. Wiseman online library ebook bookstore tablet

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Book description
The Adventures of the Greek HeroesI have really enjoyed this book filled with fun adventures of bravery. My favorite tales in this book are the stories about Theseus. Theseus showed great courage, strength, and wisdom. His father, Aegeus, buried his sword and magical shoes in the ground, and he put a giant rock over them. In order for his son to take these valuables, he would have to lift the heavy rock. When Theseus was born he worked hard throughout his life, and when he was older, he was able to lift the rock, take the sword and shoes, and then he was sent to his father in Athens. On the way to Athens, he had to face many wicked men. Theseus killed all of the evil men that tried to trick him along the journey, such as the Club-bearer, the Foot-washer, and the Stretcher. After defeating all of these horrible people, Theseus approached his fathers, kingdom. Inside of the palace, there was a wicked woman named Medea who had magical powers, and she put the king under her spell. Theseus made it to the palace, and he was reunited with his father, but Medea had tried to kill him, and she had now escaped the palace. Aegeus and Theseus were happy for many days, until a woman came to them in tears, because her son was to be sent to Crete where there was a horrible beast called the Minotaur. Theseus decided to sail to Crete, and rescue the child from the evil creature. Before he left, his father told him to change his sail to white if he conquered the Minotaur, and to change it black if he died. He tried to remember what his father said as he set sail for Crete. When he arrived, a beautiful woman named Ariadne gave him golden thread, and lead him to the labyrinth of the Minotaur. She also told him to always go to the right. Theseus soon reached the roaring Minotaur, and he killed the beast that had the head of a bull, and a body of a man. He followed the thread back to the entrance with the Minotaurs head in his hand. When he returned to his home, he found his father dead, because he forgot to change his sail to white. I highly recommend this book to the readers who love the mythology and Greek tales. This book is sure to grab your attention, and it is filled with many more stories of brave heroes. It can also teach you valuable lessons through the mistakes made by the heroes, and sometimes even the wicked characters.
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