DOCX Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Clay Stafford (Goodreads Author) (Adapter) ebay download pc book look

DOCX Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Clay Stafford (Goodreads Author) (Adapter) ebay download pc book look

DOCX Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Clay Stafford (Goodreads Author) (Adapter) ebay download pc book look

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Book description
The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnBy Mark TwainDalmatian Press$1.00178 pagesIllustrated by Ruth PalmerFictionAbout the Book: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is about a boy who lived with Widow Douglas because he thinks his dad is dead. This story takes place in the south during slave times. Widow Douglas’s sister lives with them and is always trying to make him civilized. She tried to teach him to read and told him he would go to “the bad place”. Huck and Tom Sawyer and some others found some robber’s cash. Huck’s dad find s out about the money and shows up and wants the money. His dad treated Huck badly and kidnapped him. His father locked him in a cabin for two months. Then, his dad disappeared for a few days but came back. When Huck has had enough, he fakes his own death and escapes. He gets on a raft and floats down the river. He stays on an island while the town searches for him. Jim, Widow Douglas’s slave eventually shows up on the island and joins Huck. They float down the river on a raft and find two actors, the King and the Duke, running from people and some dogs that have been chasing them. They got on the raft with Huck and Jim. Huckleberry Finn helps them go from town to town scamming people to pay for shows that aren’t really good shows. Then, they take off and go to the next town. They meet up with a man who mistakes them for someone else. A man has died and left a lot of money for his brothers, and the man they meet mistake them for the brothers. The King and the Duke go to the dead man’s house and Huck acts as their servant. Huck realizes the men are not good and he hides the dead man’s money, letting the dead man’s nieces know where the money is. The real brothers finally show up, so the King, the Duke, and Huck try to escape. Jim gets sold by the King and the Duke to the Phelps family, who are actually Tom Sawyer’s aunt and uncle. They think Huck is Tom. They were waiting for a visit from Tom. Huck is just there to free Jim. Read to find out if Jim is freed and Huck’s dad is dead or alive. This book was not relevant to me because I am not like Huckleberry Finn. The theme of the book is about a boy growing up in the south after the Civil War and about being a runaway. It is a good book because it is a mix of realistic situations and humor. Teenagers would enjoy this book because they would like the thought of running away and doing their own thing without adults telling them what to do. The characters are realistic. The book is a good length and easy to read.
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