DOCX A Type Primer by John Kane bookstore access selling online ebay

DOCX A Type Primer by John Kane bookstore access selling online ebay

DOCX A Type Primer by John Kane bookstore access selling online ebay

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Book description
Practical and hands-on in approach, this book/exercise manual speaks clearly to beginning graphic designers and others involved with type about the complex meeting of message, image, and history surrounding typography. Focused on intent and content, not affect or style, it makes informed distinctions between what is appropriate and what is merely show (especially in terms of the junk often generated unenlightened by computer users). Filled with examples, exercises, and background information--and designed itself to reflect good typographic design--it guides readers systematically to the point where they can not only understand but demonstrate basic principles of typography, and thereby strengthen their own typographic instincts. Basics. Development. Letters. Words and Phrases. Text. Simple Organization. Grid Systems. For beginning graphic designers and others interested in learning the effective use of type.
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