DOCX A Tale of Two Sisters by Anna Maxted torrent via online free tablet

DOCX A Tale of Two Sisters by Anna Maxted torrent via online free tablet

DOCX A Tale of Two Sisters by Anna Maxted torrent via online free tablet

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Book description
The bestselling author of Getting Over It and Running in Heels, a writer who “excels at creating winning characters and placing them in artfully crafted muddles” (Florida Sun-Sentinel) has created an unforgettable story of siblings in the best of times and the worst of times in London. Lizbet and Cassie are sisters and, though they’ve always wanted different things, best friends as well. But that’s about to change. Cassie is skinny, clever, charismatic, successful—every not-so-perfect girl’s worst nightmare. The one defect in her quality-controlled life may be her marriage. Lizbet is plumper, plainer, dreamier. She’s desperate to make her name as a journalist, but is stuck writing embarrassing articles on sex for a men’s magazine. Her one achievement is her relationship with Tim, who thinks she’s amusing and smart—even when she asks ditzy questions. Confronted by challenges that they never asked for, enticed by new loves, and forced apart by mistakes not their own, will Cassie and Lizbet ever figure out how to get back to the simple goodness of their sisterhood, even as their lives take them on a collision course of heartache and new beginnings?
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