DOCX A School of the Church: Andover Newton Across Two Centuries by Margaret Lamberts Bendroth no registration prewiew reading read format

DOCX A School of the Church: Andover Newton Across Two Centuries by Margaret Lamberts Bendroth no registration prewiew reading read format

DOCX A School of the Church: Andover Newton Across Two Centuries by Margaret Lamberts Bendroth no registration prewiew reading read

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Book description
Andover Newton Theological School is the oldest graduate theological institution in the United States. Margaret Lamberts Bendroth here offers a compelling account of this historic institution and its two original sources. Andover Seminary, a Congregational school established in 1807, opened in 1808 and served as a model for American theological education. Newton Theological Institution, a Baptist school, was founded in 1815. The book offers entirely new material on the development of Andover Newton after those two original schools united in 1931. As part of Andover Newtons storied 200-year history, Bendroth explores the unquestionable intellectual contributions of the faculty, including Moses Stuart, Alvah Hovey, Gabriel Fackre, Max Stackhouse, Phyllis Trible, and many others. She also examines the many paths intersecting with the schools story, from American education in general to the development of Protestant thought, to the complex histories of race and gender in American society.
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