DOCX A Scandalous Proposition by Wendy Soliman (Goodreads Author) price access online tom full version

DOCX A Scandalous Proposition by Wendy Soliman (Goodreads Author) price access online tom full version

DOCX A Scandalous Proposition by Wendy Soliman (Goodreads Author) price access online tom full version

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This was a moderately entertaining little number, provided through netgalley, with some quite exciting parts but which lacked a certain something for me.Things I liked about this one:- The basic plot is really quite fun. Smuggling was rife during the Napoleonic Wars (Im pretty sure someone is quoted as saying there was more Bruges lace in London when it was banned than before..), and the smuggling of people is a nice twist. - The secondary plot is also entertaining. Nothing like a real bitchy anti-heroine, and a horribly grouchy anti-hero to liven things up. Between this and the primary plot, there was plenty of things going on to keep my attention.- I liked that the heroine was a real action-oriented woman. It fitted her temperament, although I had real trouble with her play-acting the courtesan. This was mainly because after spending the first half of the book demonstrating that she couldnt possibly be a courtesan, she then became so wildly passionate that its quite clear she could have convinced anyone. Silly. I would have preferred her to BE a courtesan.- The loved the steamy bits. They were smoldering, but funny and just lovely, and were probably the best-written parts for me.Things I wasnt so keen on:- There were a couple of too-stupid-to-live moments, both on behalf of the hero and heroine. This doesnt necessary bother me, depending upon how its done, since people do daft things all the time, but these were just so blatant, and rather unexplained.- The hero and heroine were both paragons of everything - looks, virtues and sexual athletes too. I really dont like books populated by Peter or Penelope Perfects, and Im afraid this one was. Why not make them more human? Why not make the hero a bit on the ugly side? Why not make him a Mr. SomeoneOrOther rather than the brother of a Duke? (Having the dukedom in there served no purpose as far as I could see) Why not make the heroine a real courtesan, instead of a fake one? Why not make the Dowager Duchess not quite sure of the heroine? It would have really spiced things up for me. Also, I still dont really know why they fell in love with each other, except that they had a fabulous time in the sack, and he liked her spirit. The emotional level was just not there for me.- The book couldnt quite decide upon style, theme or genre. Was it a nice steamy number? Yes!! Was it a spy story? Er, yes. Was it a story of revenge? Yes.. Was it a Napoleonic War hero story? Ye-es.. Was it action-packed? Yes... Was it funny? In places.. Were there children in it? Irritatingly, yes.. Was there smuggling in it? Yes!! Were there prostitutes in it? Yes... Was there a naughty masked ball? Giggle, yes... You see, there was just so much going on that sometimes it was a bit overwhelming, and I really think it might have been better to have taken one or two styles/themes/genres and just focused on that, giving a bit more space to fill out the emotional stuff, which really felt rather glossed over.- My biggest issue was that there were too many moments in which the hero or heroine just knew something. I dont believe that knowing stuff for one moment, and whenever I see it in a book it just sounds like the author worked themselves into a corner and they couldnt escape from, or they were so excited about the rest of the story they kinda glossed over something. Either way, I really dont like it. Theres nothing wrong with people deciding to trust someone based on nothing more than they have a nice smile, or just going along with something without thinking about it, or even deciding that trusting someone unknown is probably better than the alternative, but to be told that they have some sixth sense of knowing is vaguely insulting. Maybe Im just too prosaic, but it really irritates me, and, as in this book, it made me less likely to enjoy what was a nice romp.So, 2 stars. It was OK.
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