DOCX A Love for Safekeeping by Gail Gaymer Martin (Goodreads Author) get german sale download selling

DOCX A Love for Safekeeping by Gail Gaymer Martin (Goodreads Author) get german sale download selling

DOCX A Love for Safekeeping by Gail Gaymer Martin (Goodreads Author) get german sale download selling

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Book description
Multi-award-winning novelist, Gail Gaymer Martin writes Christian fiction for Winged Publications with many books published by Love Inspired and Barbour Publishing, where she was honored by Heartsong readers as their Favorite Author of 2008. Gail has sixty four published novels or novellas with four million books in print. She is the author of Writers Digest’s Writing the Christian Romance. Gail is a founder of American Christian Fiction Writers, a keynote speaker at churches, libraries and civic organizations and presents workshops at conference across the US. She was named one of the four best novelists in the Detroit area by CBS local news. Gail loves to hear from readers through her website contact and adds the readers name to her bi-monthly drawing for a free book or two.
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