DOCX A Key, an Egg, an Unfortunate Remark by Harry Connolly (Goodreads Author) download txt

DOCX A Key, an Egg, an Unfortunate Remark by Harry Connolly (Goodreads Author) download txt

DOCX A Key, an Egg, an Unfortunate Remark by Harry Connolly (Goodreads Author) download txt

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Book description
A MYSTERIOUS KILLINGAfter years of waging a secret war against the supernatural, Marley Jacobs put away her wooden stakes and silver bullets, then turned her back on violence. She declared Seattle, her city, a safe zone for everyone, living and undead. There would be no more preternatural murder under her watch. But waging peace can make as many enemies as waging war, and when Marleys nephew turns up dead in circumstances suspiciously like a vampire feeding, she must look into it. Is there a new arrival in town? Is someone trying to destroy her fragile truce? Or was her nephew murdered because he was, quite frankly, a complete tool?As Marley investigates her nephews death, she discovers he had been secretly dabbling in the supernatural himself. What, exactly, had he been up to, and who had he been doing it with? More importantly, does it threaten the peace she has worked so hard to create? (Spoiler: yeah, it absolutely does.)
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