DOCX 70 Healthy Habits - How to Eat Better, Feel Great, Get More Energy and Live a Healthy Lifestyle by S.J. Scott (Goodreads Author) cheap eReader page online audio

DOCX 70 Healthy Habits - How to Eat Better, Feel Great, Get More Energy and Live a Healthy Lifestyle by S.J. Scott (Goodreads Author) cheap eReader page online audio

DOCX 70 Healthy Habits - How to Eat Better, Feel Great, Get More Energy and Live a Healthy Lifestyle by S.J. Scott (Goodreads Author)

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Book description
Want a healthier lifestyle? Unfortunately, this is a hard goal for many people to achieve. Its impossible to *will yourself* to eat better, get more exercise and do more health-conscious activities. Most people adopt an change everything in my life at once strategy that rarely works in the real world. In 70 Healthy Habits youll learn how to use the age-old practice of habit development to form a healthier lifestyle. If youre like most people, you start each year with a laundry-list of ways to improve yourself. So what usually happens? By February, youve given up on these goals and youre left with that same desire to live a healthier lifestyle.Really, the only way to make a PERMANENT change is to slowly introduce certain habits into your life. Instead of following the all-or-nothing, cold-turkey mindset, youll slowly change your life for the better. When you do this for a few months, youll eat better, feel great and get more energy. 70 Healthy Habits provides a detailed list of actionable habits you can use to improve your life.Inside this guide youll learn how to:Follow a step-by-step action planfor each healthy habitIntroduce the right kind of foods into your dietTake the healthiest vitamins and supplements every single dayTurn small, seconds-long habits into a dynamic routine that changes your lifePrevent dangerous maladies like cancer, diabetes, morbid obesity and heart diseaseFeel energized and ready to attack the worldImplement easy-to-follow exercise routines that can be added to any busy lifeComplete monthly and yearly check-ups that are important for your health and wellnessPractice safety habits that provide a safeguard from disease or deathYou can eat better and feel great. All you have to do is slowly introduce a few healthy habits into your life.
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