DOC Wings of the Storm by Susan Sizemore read epub on ipad

DOC Wings of the Storm by Susan Sizemore read epub on ipad

DOC Wings of the Storm by Susan Sizemore read epub on ipad

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Book description
What was a woman to do?When an experiment gone wrong landed Dr. Jane Florian in the Middle Ages, she vowed to make the best of things. And if that meant posing as Lady Jehane from the Holy Land, cleaning the castle from tower to dungeon, ousting the hounds from the banquet hall, and giving the mistress of the hall a makeover, then she would... Unfortunately, she hadnt counted on her reaction to her new neighbor - the magnetic Sir Daffy.The Middle Ages might lack modern conveniences, but Jane had no complaints about the men. Sir Daffys arrogant masculine sensuality fired her senses as no man from her own time had ever done....And yet, Janes secrets werent the only ones, for Sir Daffy was a man of mystery himself...
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