DOC Wild Woman by Lindsay McKenna (Goodreads Author) no registration full version get download iphone

DOC Wild Woman by Lindsay McKenna (Goodreads Author) no registration full version get download iphone

DOC Wild Woman by Lindsay McKenna (Goodreads Author) no registration full version get download iphone

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Sister of FortuneSetting: Perseus headquarters, Phillipsburg, Montana; Blue section of complex for temp housing; Lihua Estate and its private museum rooms – for some, for a select few, and for almost no one, China; Shangri-La Hotel; Airports & airplanes; war room Perseus complex in Montana;One Sentence Summary: Confident, live now woman combat helicopter pilot joins with CIA agent still mourning the loss of his wife, to retrieve the last crystal power Indian artifact, and to put away the bad guy.Characters: CIA Agent Mace Phillips: Chinese language expert; loved his teenage sweetheart, having courted her gently and slowly, and happily married to her until she died of cancer… 2 years of grief and withdrawal… but after 6 months on Chinese translation desk of CIA ready for field job, so agrees to go after the crystal;Jessica Merrill, Chief Warrant Officer US Army/Apache helicopter gunship pilot aka Wild Woman: live in the moment; positive; confident; can read people’s auras, and senses Mace’s deep grief and isolation; eager to go after 3rd crystal, as forseen by Kai;Ji Yaozong: millionaire corporate software owner, whom Perseus saved his kidnapped son 3 years ago, gains them invite to Martson’s party, and offers support while in China;Robert Martson: crazy 80-year old man, who bribed, stole, cajoled information and artifacts to gain the power to stave off his Parkinson; Chuck and Andrea Jiang: undercover agents in China, who help them by disabling the generators and acting as backupIvy Shining Star Sanderson, her grandmother, elder Medicine woman: helps to set up martson by false crystals in the ark and pretending to be willing to sell him the crystals;Summary:Spy drama… they infiltrate Martson’s home, and offer him the secret of eternal life… and he bites… even agreeing to return to the US to obtain the crystals (where he could be arrested)… Jessica charms him with her knowledge of Indian ways… and gets into his inner sactum… they replicate the crystal star he has, and she returns with Mace to trade it (having watched and learned the systems and codes… ) have a face-off with the guards, get away just in time… and get away… as Martson is in the US and arrested…And Mace reacts to the warmth of Jessica – and finds a new passion for her and for life… and Jessica responds to his strength, his gentleness, his passion… another match!!Memorable scenes:“As he drizzled honey across his croissant, he thought about how she jmight react to him pouring the amber sweetness down the center of her body and then slowly licking it off her soft, firm flesh. Mace was shocked by his own thoughts…. His feelings were a helluv lot more alive than he’d ever realized… perhaps the right woman had only come along now to let him know that the winter of his grief was over and it was time to begin to live – and love – again.”
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