DOC Why The Sky Is Far Away: A Nigerian Folktale by Mary-Joan Gerson (Retelling) torrent via online free tablet

DOC Why The Sky Is Far Away: A Nigerian Folktale by Mary-Joan Gerson (Retelling) torrent via online free tablet

DOC Why The Sky Is Far Away: A Nigerian Folktale by Mary-Joan Gerson (Retelling) torrent via online free tablet

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Book description
Why the Sky is Far Away is a Nigerian Folktale for children aged 3 to 6. It tells the story of what things used to be like: the sky was close, and you could eat it, it provided all the food people needed. It got angry however, because people would take more than they could it, and throw the rest on the ground. So the sky threatened that if people did not cherish the gift of the sky, it would go away. I remember seeing this story acted out in a play when I was in elementary school. I really enjoyed reading it as an adult, and rate it with 3 stars. I had never read the story, and it is very good. The words are easy to understand, the plot is simple and straightforward. It presents a valuable lesson about being wasteful, and about being thankful for the gifts we are given by our Earth. Though we cannot actually eat the sky, we are blessed with many other gifts in nature, and being sustainable and not wasteful is important. There is also a very strong message of overindulgence and greed in this story. Once the sky gives its warning, everyone obeys for quite a while. It is one person who is known for being insatiable, who takes a piece of sky and cannot eat it. Though she tries to find others to eat it, she cannot, and so buries it in her own garbage. It is at that moment that the sky retreats away from the earth, and the people are “punished” with the task of plowing, planting and growing their own food. The pictures in this story are beautiful and full of color, and reflect the origin of the story. I think they would be very captivating to a young audience.
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