DOC Who was Right: Ptolemy or Copernicus? by Felix Alba-Juez (Goodreads Author) no registration doc spanish store book

DOC Who was Right: Ptolemy or Copernicus? by Felix Alba-Juez (Goodreads Author) no registration doc spanish store book

DOC Who was Right: Ptolemy or Copernicus? by Felix Alba-Juez (Goodreads Author) no registration doc spanish store book

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Book description
This e-book corresponds to Chapter 4 of the printed book entitled Galloping with Light - Einstein, Relativity, and Folklore, and is the fourth of the e-Series entitled Relativity free of Folklore.Because you deserve more than just folklore, in this e-book you will find the incredible answers to the following intriguing questions:1) Do we really know what Motion is? How is it perceived and how is it measured?2) Does our planet really rotate or does the Sun really move? Who was right, Ptolemy or Copernicus?3) Why can we pleasantly play poker and have a drink in a bus while at uniform speed but chaos reigns as soon as the driver suddenly brakes or accelerates?4) Why is the same not possible at all while quickly rotating in a carrousel?5) Why many scientists say that uniform motion is relative but accelerated motion is not?6) How in the world something as solidly established as the notion of force can exist or not depending upon our point of view?The fact that the reader may not have a scientific education does not mean that s/he does not have the intelligence to understand profound concepts -- as long as they are presented with semantic and epistemological clarity. After all, Einstein said that Science is simply the refinement of our intuition and everyday experiences.
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