DOC Venomous Snakes of Texas: A Field Guide by Andrew H. Price how download read find full link

DOC Venomous Snakes of Texas: A Field Guide by Andrew H. Price how download read find full link

DOC Venomous Snakes of Texas: A Field Guide by Andrew H. Price how download read find full link

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Book description
Texas has about one hundred twenty native species and subspecies of snakes, fifteen of which are venomous. Since 1950, Texans have turned to the Poisonous Snakes of Texas pamphlet series published by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for help in identifying these snakes and for expert advice on preventing and treating snakebite. Venomous Snakes of Texas, a thoroughly revised and updated edition of Poisonous Snakes, carries on this tradition as a one-stop, all-you-need-to-know guide to Texass rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths, and coral snakes.In this authoritative field guide, youll find: Full-color photographs and a county-by-county distribution map for each species.Each species common and scientific name, description, look-alikes, and a summary sketch of its habitat, behavior, reproduction, venom characteristics, predator-prey relationships, and fossil record.Up-to-date advice on recognizing venomous snakes and preventing and treating snakebite, both at home and in the field.A glossary of terms and an extensive bibliography.A special feature of this guide is an expanded treatment of the ecological and evolutionary context in which venomous snakes live, which supports Prices goal to lessen the hatred and fear and to increase the understanding, the respect, and even the appreciation with which venomous snakes should be regarded.
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