DOC Vanquished by Tara Brown (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks

DOC Vanquished by Tara Brown (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks

DOC Vanquished by Tara Brown (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks

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Book description
In the port city of a neighbouring kingdom, an assassin moves through the streets, killing people of importance. He is said to wear a red cloak and fight with skills only ever seen in the Southern Isles. But unbeknownst to the whispers in the alleys, he is a she, and she is on a path headed for home. She used to dream of freedom. She used to dream of a simple life. Now all she dreams about is the blood trail she has carved, leading back to her burnt out castle. Revenge is the business of hate, and where it is taking Amillia Morgentstein is a dark place where even love cant save her. Because love is a thing of the past for her and vengeance is all she can see. How far would you let yourself go to save everyone but yourself? Mature Readers Recommended
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