DOC Unplugged by Sigal Ehrlich (Goodreads Author) eng original free access value

DOC Unplugged by Sigal Ehrlich (Goodreads Author) eng original free access value

DOC Unplugged by Sigal Ehrlich (Goodreads Author) eng original free access value

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Book description
It was supposed to be a lot of things...but not this.After surviving the long and excruciating recruitment process, I thought I would end up working for Madonna or the CIA at the very least.Boy, was I wrong.Even in my wildest dreams I couldnt have imagined what I was in for. What my heart was in for.I couldnt have possibly fathomed the lifestyle, the responsibility, how much it would take out of me, the inner battles, and mostly, the emotional whirlwind.I could never have imagined, prepared myself for, or anticipated…Him.It was supposed to be a job. Just a temporary job. Just a few months. Just a short stop before the journey I was about to take to follow my dream.It was supposed to be a lot of things...but not this.Little did I know it would be the one event that would shape me, would change me, would bring on such a shift in the balance of my world.Would bring...Him. Would bring…Them. Both. Into my life.*UNPLUGGED is the first part in a two-part, new adult, non-love triangle, non-cheating, series; it has a cliffhanger-ish ending.
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