DOC US Army Survival Manual by U.S. Army original torrent francais free buy

DOC US Army Survival Manual by U.S. Army original torrent francais free buy

DOC US Army Survival Manual by U.S. Army original torrent francais free buy

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Book description
Among the more notable things I learned are the facts that you can eat the inner white portion of treebark -- though beware, as its a strong purgative -- you can divine north using a regular wristwatch and the position of the sun; and, if you are hurting for water, you can dig at the base of a hill, near the water table, and collect the ground water that emerges.The illustrations of edible plants were largely useless, I thought; black-and-white hardly does any species justice (excepting zebras), and I would be constantly fearful that I would mistake one plant for another and poison myself inadvertently -- though Im surprised to find how few poisonous plants there really are in the world. The section on mushrooms was the most worthless of them all -- there is no way Im eating any wild mushrooms; I dont care how desperate I am, Id rather eat leaves or the aforementioned tree bark. The bit about shelters and traps also went overboard; who, in a true survival situation, would have the time, resources, or even inclination to build some of those monstrosities? If Im fighting for my life, one of my guiding principles will be KISS.That said, the guide as a whole was pretty informative, especially the bits on survival in the desert, arctic, and jungle.
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