DOC Trust by Rene Folsom (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

DOC Trust by Rene Folsom (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

DOC Trust by Rene Folsom (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

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Book description
Beau Shapiro has spent his whole life being called gorgeous, handsome, sexy… every word imaginable to describe his outer appearance. But despite his popularity, he never once lets it all go to his head. He’s holding out for that one girl that has it all—beauty and personality.While out searching for his father, Beau meets Karoline—a woman cursed to be a beast. Striking a deal with her to save his father’s life, Beau is taken to Karoline’s home deep in the mountainous woods to live with her. During his stay, he finds that there’s beauty within the beast, and slowly, for the first time in his life, falls in love.Delve into the story of Beau and Karoline, a modern day retelling of the classic tale Beauty and the Beast. Warning: This supernatural romance novella contains adult situations and is meant for ages 18+.
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