DOC Triangle of Lust (Cougar II) by Alejandro Morales (Goodreads Author) price tom view online macbook

DOC Triangle of Lust (Cougar II) by Alejandro Morales (Goodreads Author) price tom view online macbook

DOC Triangle of Lust (Cougar II) by Alejandro Morales (Goodreads Author) price tom view online macbook

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Book description

Book description
Annas story flawlessly continued into this second book and dear heavens, it had just as many new twists that might be lighter, but still evoked a ray of emotions. I actually began sympathising the poor woman, as she still seemed to be uncertain over what she wanted.I thought Anna was a Queen B in book one, but this lady we get to know in this book, was way worse! I thought Anna was a terrible person, but oh no, this one is as evil as they get. But as we know Anna, she bites back and the outcome is quite intriguing...Nick is an odd guy - who like Anna goes quite back and forth - but to stereotype him, he is a guy and he got what he wanted and so much more! (Damn lucky bastard!) In other words, the steamy scenes were off the charts!Morales once more got this right in making you despise Anna and several other characters, which again is due to great character development. The build up was clear to be in a transitioning phase to prepare for the third book and I cant wait to get lost in the story once more.
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