DOC Triad by Selena Kitt (Goodreads Author) read italian buy touch direct link

DOC Triad by Selena Kitt (Goodreads Author) read italian buy touch direct link

DOC Triad by Selena Kitt (Goodreads Author) read italian buy touch direct link

> READ BOOK > Triad



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Book description
Welcome to a MENAGErie of sex in this steamy offering from the authors at eXcessica! The characters in these stories have all learned their kindergarten lessons—they share very well with others! From two men sharing her, to two women sharing him, and even all three men sharing each other, there’s a plethora of sex in this hot anthology with a dozen stories to make your flesh-sandwich dreams come true! Stories included by: Elliott Mabeuse, Emma Hillman, Giselle Renarde, Jack Osprey, Saskia Walker, Bekki Lynn, Selena Kitt, Darcy Sweet, Will Belegon, Dakota Trace, J.M. Snyder and Willson Rowe.
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