DOC Trendy Crochet for Girls by Lori Sanfratello download german via how read mobile

DOC Trendy Crochet for Girls by Lori Sanfratello download german via how read mobile

DOC Trendy Crochet for Girls by Lori Sanfratello download german via how read mobile

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Book description
Indulge a young misss passion for fashion with these cute wraps and caps. The quad of crochet sets range from toddlers size 2 to girls size 6, and the patterns work up quickly using various weights of yarn. Shell be able to choose from two shrug sets, one bolero set, and a cape set. And heres a bonus: The flower-trimmed cloak pins can be removed from the wraps and worn as hair barrettes! Select yarns in her favorite colors to crochet these fun outfits by designer Lori Sanfratello, then watch to see who smiles the most, you or your little princess.
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