DOC To the Edge of the Sky: A Story of Love, Betrayal, Suffering, and the Strength of Human Courage by Anhua Gao download epub without registering fb2 free

DOC To the Edge of the Sky: A Story of Love, Betrayal, Suffering, and the Strength of Human Courage by Anhua Gao download epub without registering fb2 free

DOC To the Edge of the Sky: A Story of Love, Betrayal, Suffering, and the Strength of Human Courage by Anhua Gao download epub without

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Book description

Book description
To the Edge of the Sky is the harrowing account of a remarkable womans life in communist China-a tale of human courage in the face of shocking inhumanity and hardship. Anhua Gao (her name means Tranquil Flower) was born in 1949, the year that Mao Tse Tung declared the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China. To The Edge of the Sky is, like Jung Changs Wild Swans, an inspiring and heartrending story of life under communist rule and, at the same time, a compelling and detailed history of Chinas political upheaval through the twentieth century. Gaos early childhood is idyllic-both of her parents are highly respected workers in the Communist army and the family lives in comfort, with many privileges. By the time Anhua is eleven, however, both are dead-and their reputation proves a fragile shield from the horrors of communist China. With an assured and deliberate voice, and from the perspective of her new and hard-won safety of a new life in Britain (her mother once pointed out the island country to her on a Chinese world map, located on the far left on the edge of the sky), Gao interweaves a picture of calamitous Maoist policies with her own story of shocking family betrayal, cruel imprisonment, and bureaucratic absurdity. To the Edge of the Sky is a powerful and evocative autobiography-the story of a woman who, against unbelievable odds, survived to find a happiness she had not dared hope for.
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