DOC Tippy and the Night Parade: TOON Level 1 by Lilli CarrГ© (Illustrations) download via pc without registering bookstore

DOC Tippy and the Night Parade: TOON Level 1 by Lilli CarrГ© (Illustrations) download via pc without registering bookstore

DOC Tippy and the Night Parade: TOON Level 1 by Lilli CarrГ© (Illustrations) download via pc without registering bookstore

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Book description

Book description
1. This book has great pictures, simple panels, and limited words. This is another book that has been published specifically to support struggling readers. Most of the panels have dialogue and the sentences are around 5-8 words long. All of the words that are used are very simple and most beginning readers would be able to decode the words.2. This is another primary book geared towards grades K-2. This book would be great for all struggling readers and another great writing extension activity. In order to work on reading skills, this book would be great for students to work on sequential ordering, inferencing skills on why this girls bedroom keeps getting messy during the night, etc. Students can use this as a book to compare with other novels or stories about dreams. It could also be a great fiction twin book for a nonfiction book that discusses sleep, sleepwalking, and dreams.3. This book is wonderful because it has great illustrations which are depicting a girls adventures when she is sleepwalking. All of the adventures and pictures are age-level appropriate and fun. She meets a lot of animals during her travels and even falls down holes in the ground, yet she never wakes up. The plot is easy to follow and very simple. I really cannot find any concerns or issues with this book.
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