DOC The Wildlife of India by Gee, EP price free francais android story

DOC The Wildlife of India by Gee, EP price free francais android story

DOC The Wildlife of India by Gee, EP price free francais android story

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Book description
A wonderful book,E.P.Gee wildlife experiences and encounters during his travel to many wildlife sanctuaries and national parks of India during 1940s-1970s. It is surprising to know that E.P.Gee has traveled across India from Bandipur,Kabini forests of South India(including Vedanthangal,Point Calimere) to the Himalayas of North,East(Manas National Park,Jim Corbett,Kashmir) and to Rann of Kutch,Gir forests in an era when road transport were of low standards(or no roads at all in many forests and villages) and many of the forests and wildlife departments were just start to function.He has taken many beautiful photographs and videos of Wild Animals,their behavior using hide and vividly explains the challenges of taking the wildlife photography.He also talks about his encounters with wildlife, people, and behavior,instincts of wild animals.A lovely book to read,if you love wildlife of forests or wildlife photography.
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