DOC The Whole Truth: A Compendium of Myths, Mistakes, and Misconceptions by Gerard Del Re online mp3 doc read direct link

DOC The Whole Truth: A Compendium of Myths, Mistakes, and Misconceptions by Gerard Del Re online mp3 doc read direct link

DOC The Whole Truth: A Compendium of Myths, Mistakes, and Misconceptions by Gerard Del Re online mp3 doc read direct link

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Book description

Book description
Did you really think that...Elephants are afraid of mice?Napoleon was short?The croissant originated in France? Its bad enough that the world is full of half-truths, misassumptions, and little white lies. Its even worse when most people believe them and pass them on. The Whole Truth sets the record straight by debunking hundreds of common misconceptions in categories such as animals, history, origins, people, places, and science & health.
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